Draga & Aurel

Established in 2007 by Draga Obradovic and Aurel K. Basedow, Draga & Aurel is a multidisciplinary studio and workshop for art, co lectible design, and furnishing items. Armed with a diversified background in art, fashion, and craftsmanship, Draga & Aurel are widely known for combining original methods with an artistic approach to materials and composition. Pioneers in upcycling in the design sector, they began their journey by reinventing vintage furniture and objects in their own style and shaping the first Deshabi lé and Heritage co lections. Their 2009 debut at Milan Design Week marked the beginning of significant partnerships with furniture companies, firstly Baxter and Wa l&Deco, fo lowed by new ones throughout the years, including Visionnaire and Ga lotti&Radice, and more recently Poltrona Frau and Giorgetti. In 2019, the couple staggered the crowds at Milan Design Week with a new personal project: the Transparency Matters co lection, which explores the use and the possibilities of transparency, always related to lights and colors phenomena. From its launch, the studio has continued to develop the co lection, gaining more popularity. Between art and design, Transparency Matters co lectible design pieces find the perfect display in the most prestigious ga leries, such as Rossana Orlandi Ga lery, Nilufar Ga lery and Todd Merri l Studio. Moreover, they often participate in art and design fairs. Their design production stands alongside the artistic output of Aurel K. Basedow, comprising powerful, evocative, and poetic works. At Draga & Aurel, art and design fo low two para lel and complementary paths, in a continuous exchange that strengthens and sometimes inverts their meanings.