Ilaria Balduino Sartori

Ilaria Balduino Sartori reveals the eclectic spirit of a woman at home worldwide.

Her origins are embedded in a cosmopolitan background, constantly motivated and on the move, with an early intuition for the excellence that comes of vision and discipline. The natural progression of her career over time has seen her explore more than one area of enterprise, from art to fashion to beauty, and now the creation of stunning furniture and design objects. The underpinning has always been Ilaria’s unwavering belief in the power of “Made in Italy” as the genuine expression of specific talents, not as a brand in itself. To merge ostensibly impervious worlds is the secret, and the stimulus, to Ilaria’s research: breaking out of even the most successful moulds to forge new alliances between disparate materials, technology and style, craftsmanship and taste. Her aim is not to make an object, but to enchant with its aesthetic.