Gian Luigi Banfi (Milano 1910 - Gusen 1945) |Lodovico Barbiano di Belgiojoso (Milano, 1909 – 2004) | Enrico Peressutti (Pinzano al Tagliamento 1908 – Milano 1976) | Ernesto Nathan Rogers (Trieste 1909 - Gardone 1969)

“Every day we all use numerous objects with which we integrate our own activities, while improving, strengthening and simplifying them. These are the objects of use.”

The BBPR studio, founded in Milan in 1932 by Gian Luigi Banfi, Lodovico Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Enrico Peressutti and Ernesto Nathan Rogers, reached the full realization of the avant-garde styling. Convinced that there could be no aesthetic advancement by neglecting practical needs, they knew how to bring order to the “household things” by creating furniture characterized by original frames. A true laboratory of modernity, the studio contributed to the diffusion of a new design culture, thanks to a number of fruitful collaborations with important companies, including Olivetti, Arteluce and Arflex.