Complicated sofa Andrés Reisinger pic-1

Complicated sofa

Spain/Italy, 2021
The work is made up of the physical piece with the digital video artwork
Limited edition of 5 pieces 
Elastic fabric, recycled polystyrene (EPS), MP4 video file (duration 2min 10 sec)

Sold out

250 x 200 x h 63 cm
98 x 78 x h 25 in

New projects can be realised on request
Code: #6423
Complicated sofa Andrés Reisinger pic-3
Complicated sofa Andrés Reisinger pic-4
Complicated sofa
Spain/Italy, 2021
The work is made up of the physical piece with the digital video artwork
Limited edition of 5 pieces 
Elastic fabric, recycled polystyrene (EPS), MP4 video file (duration 2min 10 sec)

Sold out

250 x 200 x h 63 cm
98 x 78 x h 25 in

New projects can be realised on request
Code: #6423