Dining table Noctua Filippo Carandini pic-1

Dining table Noctua

Graduated from Central Saint Martins, the Florentine designer Filippo Carandini has previously worked as art director for renowned furniture design companies. In 2011 Carandini starts his own studio in Milan, his furniture emphasizes bold color schemes, rich textures and subtle artistic references. Alongside his work as a designer, Carandini paints large panels whose main theme, in line with the style of his furniture, is always that of color.

Round table with wooden structure handpainted dotted with high-gloss polyester finishing.

NEW POMPEII is a collection of furniture where the chromatic aspect becomes dominant as the structure of the pieces, deliberately uncomplicated, carries out the function of support for the pictorial narrative. As the walls of Pompei evoke a sumptuous and colorful past through their vivid fragments, here the volume of the object frames a portion of a larger decor, ultimately deconstructed to a purely-chromatic presence. All the pieces of the collection are entirely hand-painted with acrylic colors by Filippo Carandini through a multiple layering process.

Dining table Noctua
2024 Italy
Wood, acrylic paint, polyester coating
Shades of black (available also in green)

160 x h 72 cm
62.99 x h 28.34 cm
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Dining table Noctua Filippo Carandini pic-4
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Dining table Noctua
Graduated from Central Saint Martins, the Florentine designer Filippo Carandini has previously worked as art director for renowned furniture design companies. In 2011 Carandini starts his own studio in Milan, his furniture emphasizes bold color schemes, rich textures and subtle artistic references. Alongside his work as a designer, Carandini paints large panels whose main theme, in line with the style of his furniture, is always that of color.

Round table with wooden structure handpainted dotted with high-gloss polyester finishing.

NEW POMPEII is a collection of furniture where the chromatic aspect becomes dominant as the structure of the pieces, deliberately uncomplicated, carries out the function of support for the pictorial narrative. As the walls of Pompei evoke a sumptuous and colorful past through their vivid fragments, here the volume of the object frames a portion of a larger decor, ultimately deconstructed to a purely-chromatic presence. All the pieces of the collection are entirely hand-painted with acrylic colors by Filippo Carandini through a multiple layering process.

Dining table Noctua
2024 Italy
Wood, acrylic paint, polyester coating
Shades of black (available also in green)

160 x h 72 cm
62.99 x h 28.34 cm