Carpet 'Chromosome-P'
Tibet, 2013
150 knots/sqin woll carpet, natural dye
405 x 323 cm
159.44 x 127.16 in
Available upon request
Large-sized carpets belonging to their new collection called Chromosome P. The images might recall planets, galaxies or asteroids, but they reproduce lab plates used for cytogenetic exams, that is the chromosomal map of cells. “What looks like an unknown cosmos with planets, galaxies, stars and far-away nebulae is an image of ourselves: the basic information programming our physical life.”
150 knots/sqin woll carpet, natural dye
405 x 323 cm
159.44 x 127.16 in
Available upon request
Large-sized carpets belonging to their new collection called Chromosome P. The images might recall planets, galaxies or asteroids, but they reproduce lab plates used for cytogenetic exams, that is the chromosomal map of cells. “What looks like an unknown cosmos with planets, galaxies, stars and far-away nebulae is an image of ourselves: the basic information programming our physical life.”
Code: #V727
Carpet 'Chromosome-P'
Tibet, 2013
150 knots/sqin woll carpet, natural dye
405 x 323 cm
159.44 x 127.16 in
Available upon request
Large-sized carpets belonging to their new collection called Chromosome P. The images might recall planets, galaxies or asteroids, but they reproduce lab plates used for cytogenetic exams, that is the chromosomal map of cells. “What looks like an unknown cosmos with planets, galaxies, stars and far-away nebulae is an image of ourselves: the basic information programming our physical life.”
150 knots/sqin woll carpet, natural dye
405 x 323 cm
159.44 x 127.16 in
Available upon request
Large-sized carpets belonging to their new collection called Chromosome P. The images might recall planets, galaxies or asteroids, but they reproduce lab plates used for cytogenetic exams, that is the chromosomal map of cells. “What looks like an unknown cosmos with planets, galaxies, stars and far-away nebulae is an image of ourselves: the basic information programming our physical life.”
Code: #V727