Nilufar Gallery lands in the prestigious world of Venice Lido Island as a result of a new collaboration with the magical, refined and singular Giovanni Nicelli private airport. To officially announce the partnership, Nina Yashar has been invited to curate an exhibition that will occupy the hall of the exquisite 1920’s building. Pursuing Yashar’s pioneering spirit and launching in conjunction with the opening of the Biennale Arte 2022, the exhibition introduces a selection of historical design pieces in dialogue with contemporary works by avant-garde artists.
Nina Yashar, founder of the gallery, has thus curated an ad hoc exhibition to bring to Venice her trailblazing taste: a balanced selection of historical and contemporary design that reflects the timelessness of the artistic expression. Works by great masters such as Gio Ponti, Franco Albini, Ignazio Moncada, BBPR, Pietro Consagra, Angelo Lelii and Joaquim Tenreiro, will dialogue with contemporary artefacts by avant-garde artists such as Martino Gamper, Bethan Laura Wood and Andrea Mancuso.
Nilufar will also host Constructed Realities: Life Beyond Borders, Sin Ying Cassandra Ho’s first solo exhibition in Europe, co-curated by Nina Yashar and ArtHub and staged at ‘Spazio Esso’, the airport’s former fuel’s distributor.
With this new opening, Nilufar Gallery becomes part of the long history of Giovanni Nicelli; the private airport was founded in Venice in 1926, instantly becoming a revolutionary phenomenon and strategic location to reach European capitals in just a few hours. An institutional gem only ten minutes away from Giardini della Biennale, the airport hosts approximately 7000 private flights a year and extends over 3000 square metres with two garden areas, two terraces, a hangar and a sophisticated restaurant. Giovanni Nicelli is the oldest commercial Italian airport, immediately defined as the best and most modern in Italy when inaugurated in 1935 by the Duke of Genoa. The airport remains a prime and rare example of 1920’s style.
Special thanks to: Stefano Rampinelli, director of marketing and events; Laura Alfieri, head of cultural and artistic direction
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