SALON New York - 2018
Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Avenue
New York, NY, USA
For this year's edition of Te Salon Art+Design in New York, Nilufar Gallery presents an ideal conversation between Italian and Brazilian design unquestioned masters: Gio Ponti and Joaquim Tenreiro. Founder and director Nina Yashar puts on show unique and very rare pieces by the Masters while looping in the scene contextual design stories.
The most consistent pathway intends to showcase Martino Gamper's latest interpretations of the Hotel Parco dei Principi furniture by Ponti, as in the leading contemporary reference for such seminal exchange across time. Simoultaneously, iconic examples by Lina Bo Bardi and Giancarlo Palanti narrate the transnational and pioneering work which rejoins the Italian way with the Brazilian discourse on vintage design.
New York, NY, USA
For this year's edition of Te Salon Art+Design in New York, Nilufar Gallery presents an ideal conversation between Italian and Brazilian design unquestioned masters: Gio Ponti and Joaquim Tenreiro. Founder and director Nina Yashar puts on show unique and very rare pieces by the Masters while looping in the scene contextual design stories.
The most consistent pathway intends to showcase Martino Gamper's latest interpretations of the Hotel Parco dei Principi furniture by Ponti, as in the leading contemporary reference for such seminal exchange across time. Simoultaneously, iconic examples by Lina Bo Bardi and Giancarlo Palanti narrate the transnational and pioneering work which rejoins the Italian way with the Brazilian discourse on vintage design.