Gabriella Crespi

This catalogue was published by Nilufar on the occasion of Gabriella Crespi’s exhibition curated by Nina Yashar, on display from October 25th to January 25th 2024 at Nilufar Gallery in Via della Spiga 32.
A Milanese designer whose legacy continues to resonate through exhibitions, publications and collections around the world, Crespi represents through her work an intricate interplay between elegance and innovation. Her profound influence on the design world was not perhaps immediately recognized - it developed slowly, transcending the boundaries of her era in a way that was only later fully understood, speaking to a contemporary audience that values both aesthetic beauty and functionality. In a landscape dominated by fleeting trends and male auteurs, Crespis creations emerge as timeless reminders that authentic creativity is not necessarily a function of its own time, or any particular time.

Publisher: Nilufar
Publication date: 2023
Contributors: Joseph Grima
Photography: Filippo Pincolini
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 145
Language: English
Price: 75,00